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Vegan Cabbage Rolls

Vegan Cabbage Rolls

Submitted by Michael Kraft

"Trudging through Minneapolis during the winter isn't easy! That's when comfort food is a necessity. My Vegan Cabbage Rolls are the bomb! Not only filling, but also packing a punch with fresh veggies. Reducing your carbon footprint. 

I opt out the grain not just to be gluten-free, but to give myself the chance to use veggies more often. This recipe isn't too time-consuming. It's flavorful, filling, and most importantly delicious. Set aside 45 minutes to 1 hour and you're good to go. Don't forget the leftovers are always even better the next day! Makes about 12 rolls."


1 head of cabbage 

28 oz can of crushed tomatoes

2 3.5 oz oyster mushrooms

1 onion - chopped finely

1 container of Abbotts plant-based ground "beef"

2 Tbsp of olive oil

1 Tbsp of Paprika 

1 Tbsp Dill

1 Tbsp Parsley 

1 Tbsp of Nutritional Yeast

1 Tbsp of smoked paprika

1 bunch of Dinosaur Kale 

Salt and pepper to taste 


 1. Bring Large pot of water to boil.

2. Boil cabbage for 5 minutes. I turned it upside down after 3 minutes to boil evenly. Once evenly cooked run under cool water for handling. pull apart leaves and on a laid-out towel dry the leaves. Remove the stem about an inch or more upwards to make rolling the rolls much easier.


 3. Start cooking the filling. In another pan heat oil on medium. Saute onion until translucent, then add oyster mushrooms, dill, parsley, nutritional yeast, and paprika (not smoked, save that for the sauce) then add finely chopped dino kale. Cook until soft, about 5 more minutes.

4. Turn off heat and add Abbotts plant-based ground "beef" or vegan meat of choice. Abbot's container contains about 8 oz. So, I use the veggies to make up the other half of a pound of "meat." Stir all ingredients and add salt and pepper. Add more seasoning to taste, and use your own preference. 


 5. Now to the sauce. Which is very simple. pour the 28 oz. can of tomato sauce in a bowl and combine salt and pepper to taste. add the remaining smoked paprika and stir. add about 3 large tbsp of sauce to the filling, makes it that much more savory.

Lastly, make the rolls:

6. Lay out a cabbage leaf and place 2 large tbsp or more of filling (depends on the size of the cabbage leaves) on each leaf. be careful not to overfill to make rolling and keep them tight easier. With the filling near the base of the leaf, fold in the sides and roll up like a burrito. Continue this method until all filling and leaves are used.

7. Once the rolls have been made, pour the sauce into a large 9 by 13 pan. Spread evenly and place rolls uniformly in the pan. Once that's done I like to add some salt and pepper to taste. Cover the pan with tinfoil and place in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Take out and Enjoy!


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