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Mango Sticky Rice

Mango Sticky Rice

Created by Sahar Elgamil @elga.meal

Try this delicious Mango Sticky Rice recipe, made in your BounceBox! This sweet, creamy, and slightly chewy dish is made with coconut-infused sticky rice and juicy, ripe mango—an irresistible combination of flavors and textures. Whether you're meal-prepping for the week or taking a snack on the go, this tropical treat is perfect to make in your BounceBox, keeping it fresh and ready to enjoy anytime. View recipe video here.


  • 1/2 cup glutinous rice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • mango, peeled and sliced


  1. Rinse rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Add rice to BounceBox along with water, salt, and sugar. Stir to combine.
  2. Microwave rice uncovered on power level 3 for ten minutes, stopping halfway through to stir.
  3. Once the water is absorbed into the rice, cover with the BounceBox lid and press down once. Microwave for another 10 minutes. 
  4. Take BounceBox out of the microwave, and pour coconut milk over the rice. Allow to soak in for 10 minutes, covered.
  5. Top with mango and enjoy! (Optional: drizzle sweetened condensed milk to taste if you want it sweeter).

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